Garden Maintenance Sydney

The experienced Fifth Season Landscapes team have been providing ongoing garden maintenance for some of Sydney’s best gardens for over two decades.

Too busy or not interested in maintaining your garden? Our Garden Maintenance division can provide you with a maintenance schedule that takes all the hassle out of ensuring your garden stays in top condition year-round, perfect for entertaining with family and friends.

Fifth Season Landscapes can customise a specific maintenance plan for your outdoor space, keeping your garden healthy and tidy – maximising the aesthetics and minimising your workload.


Fifth Season Landscapes is a full-service landscape design, construction, and maintenance solution. Our highly skilled garden maintenance team is run by experienced horticulturists who will provide expert care for your garden, ensuring you can make the most of your outdoor space throughout the year without having to become a green thumb or invest in gardening tools and supplies yourself.

Tailored Maintenance Plans

Not all gardens require the same frequency of maintenance visits, nor the same scope of works for each visit. Fifth Season Landscapes will tailor a maintenance plan to suit your lifestyle and the unique needs of your garden. Our maintenance plans are founded in expert horticultural knowledge and our decades of experience working in gardens throughout the Northern Beaches and beyond.

Award Winning Garden & Lawn Maintenance Sydney

As each garden is different, we follow an overall scope of works as required for regular landscape maintenance. These are the guidelines by which all works will be performed, with the scope of works adjusted to meet the individual needs of your garden.

Garden and Lawn Maintenance

An area of lawn is a wonderful addition to a home, but all varieties of grass require regular upkeep to stay neat, tidy and healthy.

The Fifth Season team will ensure your lawn stays lush and green, as well as neatly manicured, to ensure you and your family can enjoy it year-round without the burden of lawn mowing, fertilising, aerating, scarifying and pest control.

Sweeping / Blowing of Pathways

Your pathways and driveways will be swept and / or blown clear, ground gutters will be cleared of debris, and all rubbish and refuse will be removed following the completion of cutting areas within your property.

Trimming and Pruning of Trees, Hedges and Shrubs

There is nothing more satisfying than a neatly trimmed hedge or a pruned tree. Our team are experts in trimming and pruning overgrown plant life to keep it looking its best. We know just how much pruning each plant variety requires, and what time of the year is best for pruning or cutting back to occur. You can relax and enjoy your garden without having to spend your weekends up a ladder trimming hedges and pruning back branches.

Many varieties of hedges will benefit from a light tip pruning service on a regular basis to keep them looking their best. We are also experienced at bringing overgrown shrubs and hedges back in line after months or years of neglect.

Removal of Rubbish and Green Matter

Following our maintenance visits, all organic refuse will be removed from your property, leaving a neat and tidy garden and lawn for you to enjoy. Our team will also remove any dead shrubs or branches and can quote to replace any plants or trees as required.

Pest and Weed Control

When it comes to garden pests and weeds, prevention is better than cure. Our experienced horticulturists can implement a pest control plan for your garden and keep weeds in check from season to season to stop either from getting out of control. If you have noticed that your garden is affected by pests or disease, contact our office and our maintenance team can assess the damage and prescribe a maintenance plan to treat the issue.

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